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【Water Purification Series】Three in one: PSⅡ+ Algae Nutrition+PS1...

【Water Purification Series】Three in one: PSⅡ+ Algae Nutrition+PS1...

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~Both use in salty and fresh water~



PSII Characteristics

1.  Adding 8 kinds of bacteria can solve problemcaused by only one-bacteria
Mild bacteriacan stabilize water quality.
Containingnitrobacteria makes nitrification    systemperfect.
 New generation PS(made from 10th Oct.2015) is rich in nutrition from Isochrysis and DHA-rich powder, Improve water qualityand cause no pollution to tank water. 
Preventlow-nutrient tank water from becoming worse after adding. 
This is themost economical water purification product in the market. Abottle can use 70-80 times(routing care) for 100-liter tank. Approx. 18-20months

Using Time

1. Poor water quality caused by overfeeding. 

2. Poor water quality caused by died creature.

3. Poor water quality caused by high-density environment or waste matte

4. Poisonous matter in the tank : such as NH2NH3/NH4+H2S.

5. Poor water quality caused by high NO3 in the tank.

6. Those want to prevent tank water from worsening.

7. Those have tank algae breakout problem .

8. Those grow red algae mud in the tank.


We recommend going with "Living Algae-Coral", if water quality isn't quite stable.Combination of both will provide good effects


How to use

1. Routine maintenance: Add 1/4 cap once a week in 100 liter tank.

2. Emergency maintenance: For 100 liter tank , add 1/4~1/2 cap every3 or 4 days until pollution level become normal.

3. Please add in filter system or filter sponge, don't replace sponge at least 4 days and some floatingmatter remain on water surface is the norm.  

4. It can replace or combine with zeobak.

5. There is no need to shut down protein-filter system.


Please store in a cool place, 3 years.

Recommend adding place

 1. About PS II ,we recommend adding in filter sponge ,or any filter system like ceramics ring(Please refer to the picture below) . Please make water circulate and don't replace sponge at least 4 days , some floating matter remain on water surface is the norm.  

 2. About PSI,please add recommended volume at any place during  building self- sustainable water system     

Additional details

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